I actually like this game. If this is your first game, i understand how it is simple. It keeps me entertained i guess. lol its funny cuz my friend sent me this game and was like "i think this is the game for you" and though iv never cut, im supposedly a "depressed gothic freak" and "manic depresive and a suicidal cutter"... thast what iv heard. many people i know have cut but i dont take offence. anyone who does is over reacting. Its IS quite offensive to those who have cut, but then why would they be playing the game?! maybe just to yell and be stupid about it.
I woulnt recomend making a game of this "flavor" again but you should still make more games. just put more into it next time. i thought it was funny how it says "now be just like the cool kids!" in the breif description lol. because i think we all know its become just that.
and PS to anyone who says "man thats not cool! i know blah bla blah commited suicide blah blah cry cry!" well im deaply sorry if you know someone who commited suicide but there IS a difference people! leave this guy alone!
im giving violence a 10 because even though there isnt much blood, its a heavy topic.
anyway, i liked it.